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Links to organizations concerned with issues of violence against women

This page is in the process of being updated. We will include links once we have permissions.




Men against violence against women:

  • Men Stopping Violence  Men Stopping Violence is a 37- year-old organization that focuses on ending gender-based violence by educating and organizing men in a call to action to be a part of the solution. Through our partnership with men, we are building knowledge on the issue, continuously building an understanding of the subject as it continues to evolve, lead critical societal conversations and create change agents of the participants in our program.
  • Gendes, A.C.  Facebook page:  An organization dedicated to assisting men to stop violence against women. Gendes has been around since 2013 and is a leading light in a growing number of groups and organizations in Mexico that, through public education and personal support, work with men to stop violence against women. They aim to reconfigure the harmful ideas about gender roles that contribute to the high rates of this violence in Mexico, especially within intimate relationships.

"Working with men is not a strategy that I think has worked" [to mitigate violence against women], says Maria de la Luz Estrada, a sociologist and coordinator of the National Citizen's Observatory on Femicide, referring to models that emphasize therapy. Rather, she believes a more explicit model of "men reeducating men" would be more effective. She criticizes the therapeutic response's focus on men's emotions, which "reinforces the idea that men do not know how to control themselves."

Facebook page:  An organization dedicated to assisting men to stop violence against women. Gendes has been around since 2013 and is a leading light in a growing number of groups and organizations in Mexico that, through public education and personal support, work with men to stop violence against women. They aim to reconfigure the harmful ideas about gender roles that contribute to the high rates of this violence in Mexico, especially within intimate relationships.

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